Accompaning corporate and graphic design for an interactive program
SOUND(ING) SYSTEMS is an exciting interactive program developed under the artistic direction and curation of Nik Nowak within the context of his exhibition Schizo Sonics currently exhibiting at Berlin’s KINDL—Center for Contemporary Art (13.9.2020–15.5.2021).
The bonus concept will unfold via a one-day symposium and three live performances during 20.03.2021–24.04.21.
A War of Decibels From A Whisper To A Riot Crossing Borders ?
The Typefaces / The Logotype
For all texts Verena Gerlach’s very special “Cold War Kid” FF Sizmo Pro is used. The logotype and all headlines are set in an upcoming new experimental typeface, soon to be released.
A big THANK YOU for the wonderful collaboration to Nik Nowak!